Monthly Archives: February 2023

March Break Activities

Hi Panther Families,

Here is a link to the calendar offerings at the Region of Waterloo Libraries for students and families during the March Break.


School Protocol for Illness

Feb 21 2023

Just a gentle reminder that, any student that is sick, should complete the government’s school and child care screening process to determine next steps at the link below. If they have any of the symptoms including the one below,

Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Not related to other known causes or conditions (for example, transient vomiting due to anxiety in children, chronic vestibular dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, side effects of medication)

then the next steps are

  1. Contact the school or child care to let them know that you will not be coming in today.
  2. You should stay home (self-isolate) until your symptom(s) have been improving for at least 24 hours (48 hours if you had nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea) and you do not have a fever.
  3. Retake this screening every day before you go to school or child care.

Week of Feb 20-24

Feb 17 2023

Just a reminder to our Panther families that Monday, February 20 is Family Day (no school).

On Tuesday, February 21 is Shrove Tuesday. Parent council will serve pancakes to the students in the gym between 11 am – 12:30 pm. We are requesting that students bring their own plates and cutlery.

Wednesday, February 22 is Ash Wednesday and we will have a liturgy in the gym in the afternoon with Father Meyer.


Earthquake Fundraising

As many of you know, WCDSB has a long tradition of fundraising to assist relief efforts when natural disasters strike.

The devastation of the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria has once again called us to action.

While rescue and recovery efforts continue, it has already been confirmed that more than 35,000 people have died.

Many thousands more — including many current refugees — are in desperate need of shelter, food, clean water, and medicine.

Consequently, the Senior Team and Board of Trustees would like to invite all WCDSB students and staff to participate in a centralized fundraising campaign via the Canadian Red Cross (operating under the umbrella of the International Red Cross).

Donations of ANY AMOUNT will support the range of emergency services the Red Cross is delivering to those in need including interim housing, clothing, food, and other essential supplies.

All fundraising efforts will be collected centrally using the following link: Donations – Earthquake in Turkey & Syria

How to Participate:

·       The deadline to participate is Friday, March 10

·       The link will deposit the funds into a central board office account

·       Individuals can use their existing SchoolCash account or checkout as a Guest. A SchoolCash account is not required.

Phone and Internet Connectivity Issues

February 2 2023

The Board is currently experiencing wide-area network connectivity issues which is affecting our phones and internet at the school. The technical team at the Board is aware of the situation and is working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Cold Weather and Outdoor Recess

Feb 1 2023

Just a reminder for all of our families with respect to the Board’s policy regarding cold weather and outdoor recess. Please ensure that your students are warmly dressed for winter and cold weather.

The Board’s policy is informed by;

When schools are open, special consideration must be given to the safety and well-being of students while they are outside at recess, lunch, or for other outdoor activities.

The following temperatures (including windchill) and actions should be followed during winter months:

• When the temperature is between -20°C and -27°C, we will move to a shortened lunch period.
The students will not be outside longer than 15 minutes.

Therefore, during morning and afternoon recess, students will go outside like they normally do for 15 minutes. For lunch, students will get dressed at 12:15 pm and go outside from 12:20 – 12:35 pm. They will return indoors for the final 20 minutes of lunch recess

• When temperatures are colder than -27°C, students must remain inside

The office will monitor the temperature and announce the inclement weather procedures.

Please see the website from the Canadian Paediatric Society with respect to Winter Safety: Advice for Parents and Kids

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